In the world, those social reformers who have come till now have done the social reform according to their abilities, thoughts, and capacities and also considering the place, time, and persons in view. After their work, now we have to progress it. Every great person has done work for the welfare of the men or those who have done for welfare and progress of the whole of the human community and living world have come to attain fame as Great Person. Human society has accepted them as great persons. In the present time in the whole world, there is political and religio-moral behavioral change seen, it is not human change, but universal. Nature itself is changing, with its change we have to change ourselves; otherwise we would have to suffer. Some people say, with establishment of Raama Raajya there will be welfare of the society, some others say, it will be with establishment of the Islaam Raajya, some others say, it will be with the establishment of Christianity.
But if we think with a cool mind, then we will find that in anytime not a single thought, religion, policy could establish peace in the whole world.
As it is not possible to get delicious recipes with a single spice, as one kind of food cannot keep the body healthy, as one type of song cannot give us happiness repeatedly, as one kind of medicine cannot always treat all types of diseases, as in childhood, adulthood, elderliness and old age, there is difference in food and drink, thoughts, situations, life styles, demands,-all are different.
Similarly, with the difference in the place, time, persons, there is need for difference in religion, deity, thoughts, emotions, food, drink, life styles, and opinions to be different and it is necessary also.
So, as in a delicious recipe, all the ingredients without loosing their characteristics helps to make it a tasty, satisfying, joyful and healthy for body, mind and soul, healthful for intellectual balance, helpful for us in every way. Similarly, every human being though situated in his or her own quality –religion can cooperate to make this world a blossoming, kind, lovely family.
As we find a relationship to cover up any deficiency with any highly brightful person and say that we are brother or nephew of such and such minister or leader (male/ female) or in any relation with any person, so that we can get maximum respect, regards, or gain; but everyone cannot get such benefit, there are some people who do not want to take such benefit, but everyone feels proud.
We have brought good news for you that we have been searching for a relation and have found it. It is the whole world. Whole world is our relatives. In the world everyone is a family to each other, all of you are our family and we all are in your family, therefore, we should be ready to render service to one another. There will be mistakes by everyone, it is definite, and if we find solution of mistakes by penological or criminological basis then there will definitely be sorrow, adversity, lack of peace and destruction and if it is resolved through discipline or peaceful mind, love then there will be happiness, bliss, love and all types of prosperity is also definite.
Difference in religion, caste, country, time, and person are necessary foe the beauty of the world and the world is made as such, but with the deficiency of which this becomes the cause of destruction, we will be able to overcome definitely and completely that deficiency by your cooperation. First you should make this world family as your own to overcome this difference between each other. For beautification of this world family make “World Family Center” healthy by sweetness of your qualities, qualities of your religion, respectabilities of your class or communities, and beauty of your country. World Family Center is able to present the thoughts for all the differences on a scientific basis, with proof and solutions. Please first of all accept me.