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Till agarbatti (incense) is there, there is its fragrance. When it (incense) is completely burnt, there is no fragrance. Is our position similar to that? For that reason, no one comes again after death. No one wants to die, but after death no one returns to see the state of the near ones, what is this mystery? Does a person forget every thing after death? Or is the existence of one Self destroyed or one does not possess the power to enter into one’s own body?

There are a few persons who remember every thing of their previous lives, they remember, and recognize the birthplace, parents, brothers, kinsmen, and other acquainted things and persons. These illustrations compels one to believe and accept the theory of reincarnation.

For this thing, I had some suspicion, when I contacted death, not once, but eleven times, I had contacted death.

Once after coming out of the body, I thought that people say soul is very powerful so I must test it. I saw my laid physical body. I tried to make my body sit, keeping both feet by the sides of the head and taking hold of my neck with both hands, but I could not make my body to come in sitting position, then I got frightened and very rapidly I entered my body because to me the astral body appeared very weak and I could understand that on the basis of physical body, there is soul or on the basis of soul there is body.

Further matter in this regard is for the enrolled members of the “World Family Center”