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Bhagavaana =Bhaga +vaana

As per the basis of the scriptures, means Aiyeshvarasya, Samagrasya, Veeryasya, Yashasya, Shreesya, Gyaanasya, Vairaagaschaiva yannaanga Bhaga iti ganaa i.e. who have all types of Aishavarya, Veerya,  Yash, Shree, Gyaana, and Vairaaga-these six pure natural materials/tattva are known as Bhaga.

And Vaana means one who adopts it e.g. Balavaana or one who has attained Bala is called as Balavaana. Similarly, one who has attained Bhaga is called as Bhagavaana. The man who has attained Bhaga is called as Bhagavaana and the woman who has attained Bhaga is called as Bhagavati. Or Bhagavaana is masculine and Bhagavati is feminine gender.

In masculine gender, Bhagavaana is like Shiva, Vishnu, Krishna and in feminine gender Bhagavati is Durgaa.

To attain Bhagavat state is to become Bhagavaana. To attain Bhagavat state is the ultimate aim of the human life and the last attainment is the attainment of Parama-aatmaa (peace).

Those who have attained Bhagavat state can have fulfillment of his every type of desire and /or can merge in the Parama-aatma (Absolute) to have eternal rest. This is the fulfillment of the human life. To attain this fulfillment, the works of worship which are done, these works are called as Poojaa (worship). But to construct a temple or to install a statue of God or to serve it with flowers, fruits, garlands, incense, light (deeya), aaratee (poetic praise), or to adore it is not poojaa (worship), it is only a show, a ritual, it is only a means of entertainment.

Real poojaa (worship) is that which gives us fulfillment in life. Our rishis have, therefore, directed the works and education so that human can live life to the fullest and can attain the ultimate Realization.

In the present time, there are many learned people and supposed themselves knower of the religion, but it is difficult to find an Aacharyaa. An Aacharyaa is one who practices the scriptural teachings in the daily life activities.

As there is difference between seeing a strong person and being a strong person, so also it is different to have vision of a Bhagavaana and being a Bhagavaana. As the vision of Bhagavaana and conversation with Bhagavaana of Duryodhana and his friends could not be of any value of knowledge and welfare. Similarly it cannot be definitely said that vision of Bhagavaana and conversation with Bhagavaana of any person will be of knowledge and welfare value for that person.

It can be said definitely that when there is development of devotion, love, and dedication in a person or there is arousal of Bhagavat state (Godliness), then that person will definitely do the welfare of oneself and one’s country and community or it can be said that without doing welfare of one’s country and community, one cannot gain Godliness. For attaining Godliness service to living kind is the only way which is without difficulty, easy, best, and ever powerful. Besides this, other ways lack something.

So, the works of rishis are whether human beings do have vision of the Bhagavaana or not but must attain Godliness (God-Realization), so that there is welfare of human beings and of the whole world.

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