Brahmacharya in ordinary sense means woman/ husband not doing sexual interaction, preserving the veerya (creative force), but in actual sense it is that behavior which is maintained to achieve the Brahma, that is said to be Brahmacharya (celibacy). In it, there is no system of leaving of woman/ husband for sexual interaction. Even with having sexual interaction with husband or wife, celibacy can be maintained. Celibacy in pure sense means in which one is with Brahma (God) or that behavior is such that one is with Brahma or one is behaving according to the Brahma's motion. In it, celibacy can be maintained even with having sexual interaction with wife/ husband, by giving birth to children.
aims of celibacy:
preserve creative force (veerya) or "teja"in body and to
behave in the pure motion of the Brahma so that we can do our every work
of life after duly thinking and in worldly sense with love and without
any hindrance.
for Celibacy:
attain Godliness, it is very essential
that celibacy be maintained. Without physical force, Godliness is not possible. Without physical
force, spiritual force, mental force, and action (Kriyaa) force cannot
be attained.
The present science has given us a very good illustration. It is computer technology. In it, CPU (Central Processing Unit), Mother Board, Memory – as all these three components are powerful, so can the computer do lots of work rapidly.
Similarly, like CPU of a computer, in our body there is an inner central power and spiritual power (central controlling power) which is called Godly Force (Vishnu Shakti), as it is developed more and more, so also can we make use of our body, heart, mind, thoughts and the method to increase force for these powers is celibacy.
To maintain celibacy, it is very essential to fulfill the scriptural and Guru given guidance for it in eating-drinking, thoughts and behavior, living style, receiving and giving, and all other acts, it is difficult without their help.
In present time, computer is a very good illustration. Similarly, in our body there are both hardware and software. The whole world is utilizing its development and use but computer itself cannot make its own progress and development but human beings are capable of developing its physical body (hardware), and heart and mind, (software) themselves.
in this direction, we make creative effort by our heart, mind, and thoughts, then we will not remain ordinary
We can attain Devatva, from Devatva we can attain Bhagavatva, and from
Bhagavatva we can attain Paramatva. In its root, one can attain these with
the constant use and effort of human creative force and constant effort
and using it in practice to achieve the ultimate goal. Good effort is the
root cause of its attainment.