You could be of any caste, community, and religion but first you are a human being. Soul of every human being is pure but impurities in the body, mana (heart), mind (buddhi), deficiency, asanskar (absence of good qualities) or kusanskar (bad tendencies) or one can say that the country, time, and person being different, body, heart and mind will also be different. This difference is the cause of deficiency and sufficiency in each one. Till human beings live separately with differences in their body, heart, and mind, there is no battle, but when they meet, then these differences in them leave an impression on other, then at times these meeting are occasions of happiness and festivities and at other times, it is the cause of fighting and destruction. But thoughtful people when they do not follow the emotional activities but do thoughtful good welfare activities then it could never be disastrous, so it is necessary to become pure thoughtful person. To have pure thoughts, one should have opinion and company of thoughtful persons or studying and reading of scriptures or to attain soulful state.