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Dharma, Arth, Kaam, Moksha- these four are the duties of every human beings or that these are the main aims of life. In the world, there are two types of religion- one is natural religion and other is individual’s religion. Natural religion is that which is in nature and object or material e.g. every material has its own qualities. Individual’s religion is that which is decided on the basis of scriptures' or Guru’s direction or by thinking i.e. when a person decides to do a natural religion with the guidance of scripture or Guru or thinking to make happy and blissful welfare work to achieve a goal that is said it to be Purushaarth-an individual’s effort or duty of an individual. One that gives wholesomeness to a human being in above explained two religions is that which gives meaningfulness. If it does not give any meaningfulness, then it cannot be said to be a religion i.e. religion gives meaningfulness and does no harm to anybody.

By Arth (Meaningfulness) is not meant money, it means that it is not meaningless or it is not a waste. What we do, we say, we give, nothing is meaningless, and then it is religion. Therefore, seeing country, time, person, purpose and welfare activity and doing every work and giving every suggestion is never meaningless and is always meaningful and good fruit bearing only

When we start getting good fruits of every action, not a single action is wasted, then there is no desire of a person which remains to be fulfilled that is the completeness (fulfillment) of Kaam (desirelessness), and every desire (kaamanaa) is fulfilled then a person gets Self-Realization. When a person has no desire which remains to be fulfilled i.e. one has become desireless or attained desirelessness, then when one’s all desires have become quiet or restful, mind becomes still, calm, becomes established in peacefulness that is Moksha(Self- Realization).