Why should one obey religion? Great people have said, if necessary to bow down, do bow down, to suffer a great deal, bear it, to sacrifice, do sacrifice, to enjoy, do enjoy it but obey the religion.
In every religion, there is something to worship. To keep the subject of worship happy, there are mantra or stotra (incantations) and some techniques. Some people opine for form, some opine for non form, some opine for both but in all these panth and methods, there is one single mystery that is the basis of all religions and that is devotion, love, and dedication. Without these qualities, no religion, no deity, no mantra could benefit the human beings.
Also there is no religion, deity, mantra, which is big or small, it is devotion, love, and dedication which is big or small. Who has these qualities in abundance, their religion, deity, mantra is big or best and those who do not possess these qualities, they cannot prove their religion, deity, and mantra as big and better. For everyone religion, deity, and mantra could be different but devotion, love, and dedication is same for everyone and everyone like these qualities; these qualities make everyone cooperative and strong, so if we agree that these qualities are the best qualities with which human beings can be united with other human beings then we all would be the members of the same one family then our broken hearts, broken religion, scattered human society will establish one and only one world family. We will be of the whole world and the whole world would be ours.
The technique through which there is awakening to humanness, physical- mental-intellectual -spiritual health, purity, devotion, love, pure activity that is called religion. The object of the religion is to give fulfillment to the human beings, to awake humanness in human beings, to make them pure, intelligent, brilliant (tejasvi), kind, forgiving, merciful, and practical, specially to make this worldly life full of every thing of beautiful, healthy, lovely, prosperous matters, so that after death future is also made full of beautiful, healthy, lovely, and prosperous life.
But not a single person who could be of any state, any community, any caste, any religion should not think of it without making a mistake that by making loss in the worldly life, they could make better progress in life after death.
This is the basis of life after death i.e. the type of work one has performed in this life, the life after death will be based on consequences of this life. This is the practical land, in it you can do any activity and give your human creative energy any direction you like.
Human body and human creative energy is the best of all types of energies in the world, it is the best, pure, the subtlest, and progressive in balanced way and is able to attain the ultimate goal.
The all round ultimate progress of the human beings is to bring fulfillment of the humanity. It is the fulfillment of the human beings; it is the ultimate goal of the human life.
In human beings, there remains some of deficiency in physical, mental, intellectual or spiritual health, or development and by that reason one becomes a liar, an ignorant, a fool, a robber, a beguiler, a cheat, a dishonest, and a dacoit.
Religion is a support that is the only best method for all persons, for all times and by which human beings are able to get all round fulfillment. With the help of it, human beings are able to get humanness, from humanness to Godliness, from Godliness to Absolute. It the ultimate or penultimate aim of the human life.