World Family Center
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World Family Center promises to provide secured life to every human beings of the whole world. It is able to provide prosperity, security, and establishing friendships to everyone, every country, every religion, and every human beings but it is possible by YOUR cooperation of honest heart, mind, and behavior.

You could be of any county, community, religion, occupation, opinion, and belief, for You to be a member of World Human Family Center. You have to be humble, broad minded, and thoughtful. Any dogmatisms, bad thoughts, inhumane thoughts, opinions, and behavior have to be discarded.

For admission in the World Family Center, you do not need to leave your county, community, religion and occupation, If your thoughts and opinions are against humanity and these could cause harm to the World Family Center, only you have to bring purity in thoughts and attitudes and behavior and also to change them. If your thoughts are against humanism and then it could harm the World Family Center.

Only you have to sacrifice one thing that is social caste difference, caste bondage, and religion bondage, though not based on scriptures. Only after breaking this chain, you can gain the membership of the World Human Family. You can enter the World Family Center only by breaking through this chain.

I have attained the spiritual knowledge and spiritual power only for betterment of human race, not for any petty gains or betterment of a community. What Shankaraacharyajee, Tulsidaasjee have done for human welfare in the religious effort, in the present time, it has become a means of earning money in the hands of a few selfish persons' effort. With these efforts, they have created a separate Hindu sanskriti (culture) instead of human culture, which (Hindu culture) is not mentioned in the scriptures. Hindu culture is there till the Indians are not able to understand the mysteries of these things.

Indian culture is the culture of humanity and not for any caste or community.