1. In this world, wholesomeness has been achieved by humans only, therefore, we will also achieve it.
2. In which state of sensitiveness are you and which state do you want to achieve for yourself? To this you must give a thought.
3. Birth and death nobody knows. When there is a birth, it is the appearance of a body but not of oneSelf because the oneSelf is always present. The relationship with physical body begins when there is worldly awareness and with the end of the physical body, there is end of worldly awareness but not of oneSelf.
4. Saints are simple by nature. Once when Gandhijee has returned to India then he was traveling in a train in a third class compartment. There were huge preparations for his reception; train passengers were not knowing that Gandhijee is sitting among them in their compartment. He was wearing a small dhoti above knees. People not recognizing him told him frequently to sit apart. In the end, he had to sit on the floor of the compartment, he kept sitting there. Then a man praising Gandhijee who had come to receive him spitted near Gandhijee. Gandhijee was reading a newspaper. Then he tore a corner piece of the newspaper, took up the spit with it, and threw it out. He did not utter a word in this matter.
5. One donor was distributing things. To get good things a crowd gathered, people were overpowering each other but at a place, where some things not so good were being distributed, there was none to get it. Similarly Parama-aatma (God) is sitting inside our antahakaran (heart) (consciousness) and is providing us with Parama-aanand (ever new bliss), Parama shaanti (ever new peace), Parama gyaan (jnaana) (supreme knowledge), Parama chetna (ever new consciousness). Make an effort to move inward, wait, you will definitely get it. To gain something good, a bit of patience and sacrifice has to be done of course. Swaameejee
6. You have collected a lot of alternatives for material life journey but what collections have you done for your inward journey?
7. Celibacy, thought power, emotional maturity, mind power, effort force, vidya (knowledge), gyaan (jnaana), intuitional power- all these are the basic requirements of every religion. Without these requirements any religion, any Ishta (God), any mantra, any technique (effort) and any God or any Guru cannot make anyone a wholesome human being.
8. Those persons, those families, and those communities who have chosen the path of welfare of the humankind and its progress as of their own welfare and progress become adorable in the whole of the human community. Those who have chosen the path of welfare and progress of the whole living world, they become adorable in the whole living world.
9. If you concentrate your mind on anything except God, you will have to repent it in the end. Aasaaraamjee
10. Being happy every moment is the highest worship of God. Aasaraamjee Bapu
11. Friendship is not a relationship but is a religion and is ever- lasting. Shree Krishna
12. That which we wish and for which we strive with all our antahakaran (consciousness) then we do achieve it. Swait Marten
13. Blessed is that person who do not fall short doing the duties Good luck (Goddess of Prosperity) / Bhaagya Lakshmee comes to that person’s house asking the way. Bhagavaana Mahaveer
14. Best person has the technique of work that he does not leave it incomplete. Guru Nanak
15. Dissatisfaction is the root of gaining the prosperity. Mahaabhaarata (War of life) does not become religion by greed, it becomes so by pure antahakaran (consciousness). Aacharya Tulasee
16. One who keeps his tongue in control, saves his praana (life force) from troubles. There is no other friend like self-confidence.
17. Self-confidence is the first step of the future progress.
18. So first learn to be self-confident. Swaamee Vivekaananada
19. Nature has to help the persistent person.
20. Self-confidence, self knowledge, self preservation only these three give vigor and vitality to the life.
22. Humility is the basis of all good qualities. Confucius
23. Two people live together and keep harmony between them, there is a strong bond of their mental capabilities. But differences in interests, thoughts and working system is the cause of break of the harmonious bond. Those persons are real great artists who can find the bond of harmony in situations of disharmony and keep the harmony.
24. The deeds of man are the best speaker of their thoughts. John Lock
25. Those are winners who have confidence of winning. Virgil
26. Non-practice of a vidya (knowledge) makes it a poison. Naarayan Pandit
27. With the help of continuous effort fortune progresses. Veda Vyaasa
29. To have enmity with anyone is to stop self progress. Vinobaa Bhaave
30. All religions have serenity as a disguised treasure. Veda Vyaasa
31.Truth is tested not in happiness but in adversity. Sudarashana.
32.Have you ever thought when one thought merges into another thought? Keep thinking over it carefully and repeatedly so that you can recognize the beginning of another thought? With this you will be firmly situated within yourself. Swaameejee
33.Doing service to the humankind for progression of life, you will either be saved or destroyed. There is only one thread devotion, love, faithfulness in work.
34. Banana, Chandan (sandalwood) too are not that cool, moon and Himaalaya mountain too are not that cool, that like much cool as is a selfless mind. Vashisthajee
35. There is no happiness like sacrifice. Mahaabhaarata
36. Good heart is equivalent to gold. Shakespeare
37. Anyone can make a mistake but except a fool nobody else repeat it.
38. Every bride in her father-in-law’s house tries to find the image of her mother in her mother-in-law and when she gets mother’s affection and love, then she forgets her own mother and regards her mother-in-law as her mother. Similarly every mother after marrying off her daughter tries to find a daughter in her daughter-in-law and when she finds the simplicity of a daughter, devotion, and love in her daughter-in-law, she regards her daughter-in-law as her daughter. This is the method to make this world a heaven.
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40.It is as untrue to keep secret of a truth as to tell a lie. Baaboo Gulaab Raaya
41.Do not be afraid if there is a sour fruit in a sweet fruit giving tree, wait for the fruit to ripen.
42. There are two sides of Indian culture-one side is that with its effect, Indian culture is followed as a World Teacher and another side is that Bhaarata Varsha was ruled over for thousands of years because of its specific faults.
43. In the present times, as doctors keep taking out old blood from the body and give new blood to the body, similarly doing every type of work with the thought of service with devotion, love, faithfulness, brightness, workmanship, concentration, flawlessness and with good effect and honestly earned food making body, mind and intelligence stronger, ornamental life with these and journeying this worldly life, then you must get from humanity to Godliness, from Godliness to cosmicness, from cosmicness to universal cosmicness. Swaameejee
44. It is possible that aim will be perfect, if like Arjuna, only the eye of the bird is seen.
45. With constant practice, aim is achieved.
46. One's aim should be fixed.
47. For forgiveness prayer, everyday in the evening sit in a quiet place to think of any small or big mistake which has been committed, understand the mistake correctly, then make a promise of correcting that mistake and not to do the same mistake again
48. Physical body is related with economics and aayurveda (health science); heart related with sexology, yoga science and dramatics and musicology; intelligence is related with religion and philosophy; and soul is related with liberation science( science of Self-Realization).