I can give you scientific and extensive information about whole spiritual knowledge and power. You have to know the rules for it and have to follow it. If you agree with me then click here for “Rules of World Family Center.”
Spiritual knowledge means that knowledge which is within the dependence of the spirit. This knowledge can be achieved by reading, hearing spiritual books, and doing physical work. By reading books or hearing from books, one can easily get information about it. This is second hand knowledge. To receive direct spiritual knowledge, it is necessary to do work. But which type of work to do to have spiritual state, the person who has himself direct Self-Realization can give it.
For achieving spiritual knowledge Bhagavaana Shree Krishna has said in Geeta “Shraddhaavaana labhate Gyaanam tatpara sanyatendriya’’ that is one who is devoted and whose has control over sense organs, that person has a right to acquire knowledge. One can gain knowledge doing one’s rightful duties. For gaining knowledge, there is no need to do any special ritual. It can be gained in the state one finds oneself, one is busy in one’s work.
But it is necessary that one should do duty according to Guru’s and scripture’s rules and guidance, then every work becomes the means of achieving every "ishta". In Geeta Bhagavaana has said “Yoga karma sukoushalam” that perfection in one’s duty is Yoga. Any other different thing cannot be said to be the way of Yoga. One who is doing one’s duty, if one does it with honesty and does it with love and selflessness, that is Yoga. That will help in achieving knowledge.