For the researched answer to this question those persons are welcome who are in firm determination to lead a good true (sata) life for the welfare of the country and community and those who have good courage, healthy body, healthy mind, capacities, strengths, good consciousness and good financial position.
1. Soul (Aatma) has ever-new relation with God (Parama-aatma) and body and every particle of life is related with ever-new God (Parama-aatma) but why does death occur?
2. Is living soul based on physical body or is physical body based on living soul?
3. Does the body destruction cause of leave of living soul or does leave of living soul cause body destruction?
4. In the world, on destruction of qualities of a matter, there remains cause of matter but on destruction of matter there does not remain qualities of the matter. Answer to these questions can be had by experiences of after death life, therefore, you can learn it from World Family Center experienced specialist. For this, you must be a donor, active volunteer, member of World Family Center and you have to pledge yourself for learning this science with under-mentioned list of information.
N.B. Please meet with your family, practical and moral-character details Your name, Time of birth, Date of birth, Place of birth, Present residence, Name of the father, Name of the mother, Occupation/ job, Name of the village/Town, City, District, State, Country. Any Continent.